Basement Ideas – Basement Home Theater

This is becoming one of the more common basement ideas as new technology makes it cheaper and easier to build. Now that LCD flat screens along with awesome stereo sound is easy to find, a basement home theater is the dream of many.

Make sure you pick a flat screen that is proportional to the size of the room. LCD has overtaken Plasma in popularity now because the prices have come down and LCD flat screen tv has a longer life expectancy than Plasma. Remember, you want to buy a flat screen that is big enough to keep you happy for many years.

Many people forget that the screen is only half the experience of these basment ideas. If you get a great screen but have poor sound you will find you and your friends are highly disappointed. You need to get a high quality stereo surround sound system that will take advantage of the high-end sound capabilities of today’s DVD’s. Some of these systems are fairly expensive and you need to consider this before you dive in. For the best sound, make sure you mount your surround sound speakers on the side and rear walls.

Don’t blow all your money on the flat screen and speakers. Any basement home theater needs to have comfortable places for everyone to sit. Soft couches and chairs are a must to make this the room everyone wants to hang out in. A nice plush carpet also goes a long way in making the room visually appealing and comfortable. Basement ideas like the basement home theater are what make your home a special place to live. If you do it right, you will be rewarded for years.


  1. Suggestions given by you are great and the way you have expressed is fabulous.If you have any more pics, and tips and tricks for how you did that I would love to hear them!!

  2. The best way to enjoy the big screen in your living room is to have a comfortable piece of furniture. The furniture you bring in should be such that it provides comfort and also suits your living room. If you don’t have much money to spend then buy Berkline chairs. They will fulfill your requirement of comfort and style.
